Saturday 14 July 2012

HEALTH IS WELLTH........!!!!!!!!


The starting point for every journey is knowledge, if you have the knowledge about the path on which you have to trav el, then the journey is going to be easier and successful. We at Vestige would emphasize that when you have register yourself as a Vestige Distributor, pleaseread the marketing plan and understand the opportunity which lies in front of you to fulfill your dreams.

Vestige Marketing plan has been designed to be an equal business opportunity for all those who get associated with Vestige.The Marketing Plan ensures that you earn in proportion to the efforts and provides leadership bonuses and pool income. These incomes are further enhanced by combining the downlines performances so that it is always beneficial to create more leaders in your group. As the downlines become successful, you become even more successful.
My self  BIJILI KRANTHI KUMAR ,  PHARMACIST and  join VESTIGE for Health & Wealth.

You do not have to raise the capital to create your business, because that has already been done for you. but you have to build your business.........I came to realize that while personal success is fulfilling it’s much more fulfilling when you can help many others create their own success as well.........

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 MOB NO : 9848204443

Weight Management

Vestige Slimming Capsules

Our physical appearance reflects: ---------

-Our personality
-Our mental state
-Our level of well being
-Our image to the world

What is meant by being Overweight?---------------

Before we define the term ‘overweight’, we should understand the concept of BMI(Body Mass Index)
BMI is a measurement of an individual's body weight divided by the square of his or her height
With BMI it becomes easier to calculate one’s wellness on the basis of the measurement
For eg. Body weight = 75 kg and height =  1.62 m(162 cms), the BMI would be 28.6
75 28.6
2.62(1.62 x 1.62)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
So anyone who has a BMI of 25 or above is considered Overweight  or Obese

Main causes of being Overweight---------

Sedentary lifestyles
Poor eating habits
Medical and psychiatric illness

Health Concerns---------------------

Being overweight or obese leads to a number of ailments:
Cardiovascular diseases
High cholesterol
Arthritis, Immobility
Low self esteem
Reduced life expectancy

How to manage our weight?-------------------------

Improved diet pattern (healthy eating, meals on time, controlled or measured eating) Exercise Including health/nutritional supplements to control bingeing Diet Suppressants that control over-eating without compromising on nutrition


Vestige has introduced a revolutionary weight management system that works on reducing body fat while providing ample nutrition and sustaining energy levels

Vestige Slimming Capsules

The first step in weight management works at controlling one’s diet and combining it with a supervised workout
Weight Management = 80% Diet + 20% Exercise

Vestige Slimming Capsules include a combination of 100% natural ingredients
- Hoodia Gordonii
- Garcenia Combogia
- Coleus Forskohlii

Naturally suppresses appetite
Converts fat in to energy
Increases stamina & endurance
Improves metabolism
Strengthens immunity
Aids in weight loss
Helps in weight management
No side-effects

                                          Vestige Slimming Patch

Contains nature’s miraculous fat burning ingredients:

- Phyllostachys Pubescens

- Black Haw

- Folium Sennae 

- Vitamin C etc. 

Works on focused body parts for:
- Increased blood circulation
- Faster metabolism
- Reduced water retention
- Conversion of fat in to energy
- Detoxifying the system
- Promoting weight loss
- Aiding in weight management

How does Vestige Slimming Patch work?-------------------------

Our body extracts the nutrients from the food that we consume
These nutrients are then converted in to either fat or energy depending on their nutritional value and the needs of the body
The calories consumed by us affect our energy levels needed to carry out day-to-day activities

We gain weight when the calories consumed by us are more than the calories spent by us
Vestige Slimming Patch absorbs the extra fat ions from the
body while reducing the calorie content present in the body

To lose weight, you have to break the body’s  fat cells’ ‘inertial
 memories’ of storing fat and

adopt a new healthy lifestyle for at least 3 months (about 100 days). 

Because the body’s cells renew every 100 days, your old cells which
 have the old ‘inertial
 memories’ will die, and get replaced by the new cells which have
 the new ‘inertial memories’ 
of burning more fat that help you in not regaining weight.

How to apply Vestige Slimming Patch?

Apply patches before going to bed, allow it to work while you are
 asleep and remove them the
 next morning and wash properly  Use for at least 100 days to see
 actual long lasting results 


Personal Care

                                   click products to view LARGE size

Vestige Zeta Tea



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